35mm filphotography in Moritzburg and Dresden

As some time ago I found my das's old Canon EOS 5 SLR camera, I was intrigt on taking some shot on analog film. So in two days I took 24 fotos in Moritzburg and Dresden

Saturday phototour in Dresden

Phototrip to the Military historic Museum Dresden and the inner Old-city (Zwinger)

Hello World

Hello and Welcome to my personal blog. What to expect from this blog? I will (hopefully) post things from day to day life which I consider important enough to share online. This could be Tutorials on setting-up certain services (as a reminder for myself), personal programming projects, results and learn lessons from photo-trips (also as a reminder to myself) or a pastebin of useful articles I found online, even though this could be a bit difficult with the upcoming EU Art 11/12/13/17 copyrigth directive. So I guess expect all and nothing.

BTW most if not all photos in this blog are taken by myself and are licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 if not specified otherwise. I sometimes might link the high-res or raw versions, but if not and you would like to use the Picture and need such version, drop me an email or contact me on social media and I’ll try to answer asap.

With my programming projects it will be a bit different, they are all licensed under their individual term but in most cases this will be open-source licenses such as GPL, BSD or MIT.

So enough of that, to introduce myself. I’m (now) 22 y/o living in Germany. During first phase of secoundary school (“Mittelschule”, If you are intersted in the german school system, go google it, I wont explain it here), it started to get interested in computer sience topic and computer in general. So in 5th or 6th I started playing around with administrating (game) servers, hosted on my own notebook at home, tinkering with Hamachi (do you remenber that), Port-forwarding and dynamic DNS, having problems to understand how IP networks work ¯\(ツ)/¯. But after finally figuring it out, I was ready to play some Minecraft with my friends. I must have also been the time or some time before, where I got my first (own) PC, a Notebook. Later in Grade 7 I attendet my first programming course featuring Delphi/Object-Pascal and the Embarcadero Turbo Delphi Builder. After finishing the first phase of secoundary school (10th Grade) I started a professional training with A-level (“Abitur”) at a vocational grammar school as an IT specialist. Learning about programming (C/C++ and C#), databases, proper ip network configuration and telephone systems. And after that I started to study computer sience at the TU Dresden. During that time, my hobby in photography matured. I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but I have much fun in playing around with my dad’s Canon DSLR.

download public facebook photoalbums

sometimes facebooks included ablum download feature is buggy and anoying, so let's create a simple script to download a facebook ablum