After a spontanous decison on doing a photo tour on saturday, I and a friend decided to take some shots of the Military historic Museum in Dresden.

It was an early after-noon, sunny and only a few clouds. So I shoot with a high shutter-speed, low ISO and varing apature to get some crisp images or some bokeh as far as this is posible with an f/3.5-5.6 lens.

1/2000 f/4,5 ISO200 18mm

1/1250 f/8,0 ISO200 18mm

1/8000 f/3,5 ISO100 18mm

Next stop was meant to be the UFA Palast, to make one or two pictures, sitting on the stairs inside this glass monument. But as this stairs are past the point where tickes are checked, I thought the cinnema might have a problem with entering with a camera but without a ticket. So we insead gone to the Zwinger, taking some shots on the stair there.

1/320 f/8,0 ISO100 19mm

1/800 f/5,6 ISO100 135mm

Last order of business, we tried to capture some refections in the eye or in sunglasses. But as the lenes I have are not quite suited to accomplish this, with a minimal focus distance of about 1 meter. So the result is quite unsatisfying.

1/125 f/5,6 ISO100 300mm

1/125 f/5,6 ISO100 300mm

Below you can see all photos, that survied the sorting and editing, as full size JPEGs. If for some reason you need or want the RAW files, you can drop me a email or message and I might send them to you 😉.

Show Google Drive Folder. (this will load a Google Drive iframe, from the Google Server so Google will than be able to track you. If this is someting you are consernd about)


Bennet Becker

22 y/o it specialist, computer sience student, hobby programmer and hobby photographer living in Germany